Unfairnity in Berlin

On March 3, 2014 by Rodrigo Togores

Photo Credit: Ricarda Reicher

Round 7: Martin K. from Germany with Mermail (2-0)

Game 1: He starts with Mermail Abysspike or Mermail Abysslinde and I lock him out of the game with Vanity’s Emptiness. After this I get rid of my own Vanity’s Emptiness and perform my game winning combo.

Game 2: He doesn’t start strong and I summon Abyss Dweller. After he gets rid of Abyss Dweller I draw my Dimensional Fissure and start beating him down to death. I win the game with the classic Gagaga Cowboy burn damage.


Round 8: Marcel Rambo from Germany with Geargia (2-0)

Game 1: That’s a bad matchup for me because I lost most of the time against this deck in practice. His deck plays a lot of good back row cards and also a good stall engine (Geargiarmor). I grind a few turns and combo afterwards.

Game 2: He just makes his turn 2/3 Karakuri combo and I’m just dead.

Game 3: I start with a hand of Torrential Tribute, Instant Fusion, 2 Infernity Archfiend and 2 Stygian Street Patrol. So I summon the first Stygian Street Patrol and Instant Fusion to XYZ Lavalval Chain. Then I detach Stygian to send the third Stygian to the graveyard (that’s why you need to play 3). Then I remove Stygian to special summon the first Infernity Archfiend. Remove the second Stygian to special summon my other Stygian from my hand. Then I make Number 66: Master Key Beetle targeting my face down Torrential and remove the last Stygian to special summon my second Infernity Archfiend to search for an Infernity Barrier.  He plays some cards and I negate a Genex Ally Birdman with Infernity Barrier (yes his effect activates) so that he can’t just attack with Geargiarsenal over my Infernity Archfiend which would negate my set Infernity Barrier. Then I keep attacking and when he summoned enough big monsters I activate Torrential Tribute and safe Key Beetle during that. Then the beat down starts and he loses afterwards.


So that was day 2. I should be able to get 3 more wins. We go and have one of our traditional UG dinners at a Greek restaurant which was full of Yu-Gi-Oh! players. It was like an invasion but they managed to handle it quite well. I wake up on Sunday, take a shower, get something to eat and decide to continue my run on the bubble.


Round 9: Tommaso Pommella from Italy with Spellbooks (1-1)

Game 1: I start and make a setup on turn 1 and combo him on turn 2 because he had only one lonely back row called Spellbook of Fate and my Mystical Space Typhoon takes care of that.

Game 2: After a long grind game this happens. He has Spellbook of Fate and Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. I have an Infernity Necromancer in defense position and an Infernity Archfiend in my graveyard. I draw and set my newly drawn Infernity Break. Let a time frame pass and then look at his grave, so that a bigger time frame passes. Then I say effect of Infernity Necromancer. He says wait. Can I read your X card. I answer yes sure but I already activated the effect. Then he says wait, I want to activate Spellbook of Fate before. I call a Judge who obviously rules it in my favor because I made all this look his graveyard thing just so that he has time to respond and can’t say I was too fast. Then I search my card and run over his guy. Next turn or he activates a Reckless Greed and I come back from his lock. Then he draws and makes Spellbook of Eternity into Spellbook of Secrets into more Spellbook things and more or less comes back to the game. Then I realize that he drew under Reckless Greed and call a Judge again. My opponent tries to defend himself because he activated so many Spellbook cards and also The Grand Spellbook Tower. He can’t track that he drew an extra card so he can keep the card and comes back to the game which I already would have won. A few turns later time is called and I have no good cards but he also has no monsters. He has this turn and then one additional one. I’m up 3200 in life and no monsters. He had 2 Spellbook Magician of Prophecy and 2 High Priestess of Prophecy already gone, so his only out is to draw Spellbook of Life. He summons Maxx “C” and attack dropping me into a difference of 2700 Life points. Then on my turn I set a back row and give him the last turn. He activates Mystical Space Typhoon on my back row and summons another Maxx “C” and makes a Daigusto Phoenix who attacks me on 300 less Lifepoints difference and the game ends in a draw.

So I’m with 2 loss and 1 draw I should not have. I can just keep playing and pray some players with a draw can top.


Round 10: Jeffrey W. from Germany with Bujin

Game 1: A long grind game where I end up with a combo. I was lucky because he never got a Kaiser Colosseum and he played only a few traps backed up with Royal Decree.

Game 2: With Zombie World I stop his cool hand and grave effects and then just beat down him to death with an Infernity Archfiend and a ton of back row cards.


Round 11: Piran Asci from Germany with Infernity

Piran and I had spoken over the deck a lot and we played a pretty nice game which I thank him for. We got a feature match so you can just read it better there.


I ended in 39th place and was really happy with my performance. But I really thought that to top 32 would be more easy because I felt really confident and I had tested a lot.

Nowadays if I would play the YCS again tomorrow then I would play the same deck even if I was really unlucky on my draws. After this we went to a Mexican restaurant and ate dinner with the American and English players. Then we decided to celebrate Claudio’s birthday and bought some drinks with the rest of the dinner group (some videos about it can be found on my YouTube channel if someone is interested). It was a really funny night and on the next day I got up early and went to the airport and to fly back to Madrid. Now I’m waiting to fly to the next YCS event to enjoy the weekend, play this super cool game and see some friends and teammates again.

Rodrigo Togores thanks you all for reading this ^^

Rodrigo Togores is a Player and has been a member of United Gosus since 2012. For more information on Rodrigo check out his member profile.

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