Tournament Report from WCQ: Germany

On June 9, 2014 by Soner Güngör

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Day 2

Round 8: Geargia vs Mermail 1:1 Draw

Game 1: He started with the usual turn one Mermail combo and made a big field with a lot of XYZ. I wasn’t able to break his board and so I lost. Needle Ceiling, where have you been?
Game 2: He started with double Genex Controller (which he told me after the game) but the game still took a while because I didn’t want to risk anything.
Game 3: He started with two set S/T. My hand was 1 Geargiano Mk-II, Dimensional Prison, Dimensional Fissure, Fiendish Chain and some other traps. I smelled a set Abyss-sphere from him so I set my Geargiano Mk-II as a bluff for Geargiarmor and 3 backrow. I then tried to end my Main Phase, he activated Abyss-sphere and speciale summoned Mermail Abysslinde. I activated my Dimensional Fissure to banish it. Time out was called. He was upset because he didn’t have any out to my Dimensional Fissure and he tried to stall by setting a Monster. On my turn I drew into more useless spell or traps. He set even more Monsters. In my second last turn, I drew an Geargiarmor and set it. He set also his third Monster. In my last turn(we both had 8k Life Points left) I tried to make a big push. I was able to summon three Gear Gigant X and an Ghostrick Alucard in one turn. With Ghostrick Alucard I hit a useless Debunk. He still had one other backrow. I had four Monsters and he three set Monsters. I tried to attack one set Monster and he flipped his Malevolent Catastrophe and destroyed my Dimensional Fissure and all other backrows (So I hit the wrong one with Ghostrick Alucard and made the wrong last XYZ; I should have made an Abyss Dweller). I destroyed a set Mermail Abysslinde, so he was able to summon an Mermail Abyssteus in defense and I couldn’t destroy it in battle which means the match ended in a draw.

Round 9: Geargia vs HAT 0:2 Lost

Game 1: He won the dice roll and always had the perfect answers for my plays.
Game 2: I started with Fiendish Chain, Mystical Space Typhoon and Straight Flush set. He normal summoned a Traptrix Myrmeleo, I responded with a Fiendish Chain, he ended with two more backrow. In his endphase I used my Mystical Space Typhoon and hit a Black Horn of Heaven (which was again the wrong one, you will see why). I topdecked a Geargiarsenal and summoned him, tried to attack his Traptrix Myrmeleo and he flipped his Dimensional Prison. I was really upset. I set another backrow. After that he summoned an Ice Hand and built an Evilswarm Exciton Knight and blew up my whole field. Now I have zero field and zero hand. I started a come back by topdecking a Geargiarmor. He couldn’t get rid of the Geargiarmor and I started to plus every turn with it. After three turns i tried my own Evilswarm Exciton Knight because I drew a My Body As A Shield and I have to risk this move if I want to win this duel. It worked and I wrecked his field…..but then he topdecked into an Artifact Sanctum and it was over.

Round 10: Geargia vs Gishki Lv.10 Otk (On the Bubble Match)

Game1: I came 7 minutes late to the table because I always check the pairings online on my phone. Before the last round it worked smoothly. Before round 10 I went outside of the venue to buy something to drink but I was still refreshing the online pairings every 30 seconds. When the round 10 pairings were finally online, I went to the venue again and suddenly saw that everyone has been playing for seven minutes already. The online pairings were 7 minutes late and I was really angry about it. I talked to the judges but they couldn’t do anything about it. I started 0:1, no sidedecking.
Game2: I started with Geargiarmor and 3 Set S/T so I was able to counter his Ritual Summons with
Traptrix Trap Hole Nightmare. On my turn I OTKed him.
Game 3: He started with double Royal Decree set. I Set a Geargiarmor, three backrows and a Maxx “C” in hand. He activated Royal Decree in my End Phase. Then, somehow, he was able to Summon 3 Lv.10 Gishki Ritual Monsters with 3200 ATK with Salvage comboes and OTKed me.

My Recap

My final record was 6 wins 1 Draw and 3 Losses. As you read, my day 2 was really unlucky and if I didn’t make the mistake round 8 versus the Mermail player by Summoning a third Gear Gigant X instead of an Abyss Dweller, I would still be x:1 and I would have probably topped my nationals for sure. Same thing with the last round by coming too late. I am really salty about my record but nonetheless I gained more experience and now I know how to change my deck to improve it even more. In the end a Geargia Deck and a Bujin Deck were in the final. This shows us that even slower and not so unfair decks can win big tournaments.
I hope I could give you all a little bit of insight and some thoughts from my weekend. I know this article was a little bit long but I tried to go in detail to give you a better understanding and insight. If you enjoyed this article, just press the like button on the bottom and feel free to give feedback.

Thanks for reading and I will see you at the Europen Championship in Amsterdam!

Dont forget: „Be always confident with your deck!“



Soner Güngör is a business student in Finance from Germany. Soner is a founding member of United Gosus, and has served as a member of the Player roster since August 2006. To learn more about Soner, please visit his MEMBER PROFILE.

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