A Brief Summary of Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship

On August 3, 2018 by Valerio Zucco

Hello everybody!

This is Nicolás Vera and I’m a new intern member of team United Gosus.
In this article I want to write a little about what we expect from the next World Championship and since we are a few days from this event, I would like to give you a quick review about the previous Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship events. I will mention important facts such as the place where they were held, who the winners were and what deck they used. Also I will give you a mini reminder as to how duelists can earn an invitation to this magnificent event and how our representative earned his invitation.

As soccer celebrates their FIFA World Cup every four years, we also have our Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship. But fortunately we have a WC every year since 2003 that is something that we as lovers of this game really enjoy. I mentioned the FIFA World Cup because it ended a few days ago and all the world had their eyes on it, as well as all the eyes of the Yu-Gi-Oh! community will be on the next world championship which is going to be held on the fourth and fifth of august in Tokyo, Japan. Duelists that couldn’t make it to worlds or people that can’t watch it in the venue will have the opportunity to watch the livestream of the event from anywhere on earth, so let’s start.

All players around the world play their respective WCQs to earn an invitation so they can play this incredible event. In North America the top 4 of the WCQ earn their invitation, in Europe both the WCQ winner and second place earn the invitation but in South America only the winner of the WCQ gets to play worlds.
So, until 2016 duelists could only win their invitation by their performance in their WCQ but since 2017 additionally to the previous method mentioned, as you may know there is a method called World Qualifying Points, in which you basically gain points for any top during the season which would award WCQ qualification. This year the winner of the world qualifying points race in South America is our teammate Galileo de Obaldia reaching his fourth invitation to worlds so we are very proud of his achievement.

As we can see, there have been a lot of changes in the winner’s decks until now. In 2006 the last version of chaos variants decks won, and after that we had entire archetypes winning the events.
Also it’s easily visible that Japanese players have more wins than any other nation in this event. We have visualized this in the chart below:

Who do you think will be the next world champion and what deck will he use?
Let us know your thoughts.
I hope this article helps to you to refresh your memories about the last WCs. We wish our teammate Galileo great success in the world championship and we know that he will do it in the best way.

Greetings, Nicolás.