Top Five Sharks in Yu-Gi-Oh!

On August 12, 2014 by Kyle Schrader

#5. Great White

A giant white shark with razor-sharp teeth.

Great White may seem like a joke now, but during the May 2002 Format, he was a force to be reckoned with.

During that format, the competitive card pool consisted solely of the LOB booster plus Starter Decks Yugi and Kaiba. The limited list was Exodia the Forbidden One + Limbs, Change of Heart, Dark Hole, Monster Reborn, Pot of Greed, and Raigeki. Card Destruction and Swords of Revealing Light were Semi-Limited.

Those were much simpler times, where having a big body counted for a lot. Great White may not have been the La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp of the format, but being a 1600 ATK monster you could Normal Summon was a definitely respectable.

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