Merlin Belgium National Championship

On June 1, 2015 by Peter Gross


Hi, I’m Merlin Schumacher!
I was a Judge at German National Championship, so I decided to play the Belgium one. Actually I wanted to play Shaddoll but some delays occured during the shipping. I managed to get me a Nekroz Deck. Being rather unexperienced with that Deck, I spent some time in Friday evening at a cybercafe playing DN. Luckily most of my teammates used Nekroz at their nationals, so they could provide me with helpful insight in the deck and tech choices.

Rd 1 2-0 Burning Abyss
Rd 2 2-1 Nekroz
Rd3 2-0 Nekroz
Rd4 0-2 Satellar
Rd5 2-0 Batteryman
Rd6 2-0 Nekroz
Rd7 2-1 Shaddol
Rd8 0-2 Nekroz
Top 16 1-2 Burning Abyss


Monsters: 25
2 Max “C”
3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
3 Senju of the Thousand Hands
3 Nekroz of Unicore
3 Nekroz of Valkyrus
2 Nekroz of Brionac
2 Nekroz of Clausulas
2 Nekroz of Trishula
2 Shurit, Strategist of the Nekroz
1 Nekroz of Gungnir
1 Djinn, Releaser of the Rituals
1 D.D. Warrior Lady

Spells: 14
3 Reinforcement of the Army
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Nekroz Mirror
2 Nekroz Cycle
2 Nekroz Kaleidoscope
1 Preparation of Rites
1 Book of Eclipse
1 Raigeki

Traps: 1
1 Solemn Scolding

Side Deck:
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Artifact Lancea
2 Denko Sekka
2 Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror
2 Royal Decree
1 Galaxy Cyclone
1 Zefrasaber, Swordmaster of the Nekroz
1 Dark Hole
2 Breakthrough Skill
1 Vanity’s Emptiness

Extra Deck:
1 Diamond Dire Wolf
1 Gagaga Cowboy
1 Number 103: Ragnazero
1 Number 80: Rhapsody in Berserk
1 Abyss Dweller
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Lavalval Chain
1 Satellarknight Ptolemaios
1 Stellarknight Constellar Diamond
1 Star Eater
1 Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
2 Herald of the Arc Light
